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Skin Cancer Clinic - FAQ’s

Here at The Clinic, we have a Skin Cancer Clinic devoted to the early detection of skin cancer.

We have doctors with a particular interest in skin cancer and have a special piece of medical machinery called the FotoFinder ATBM. The FotoFinder ATBM performs total body mole mapping that scans the entirety of the skin’s surface for the presence of skin cancer (you can learn more down below).

Here are some commonly asked questions in regards to our service.

Why are skin cancer checks important?

Skin cancer checks are particularly important in Australia as it’s one of the leading forms of cancer diagnosed each and every day.

We have a particularly high UV index here, and as a result, our sun exposure is harsher than other countries.

How often should I get checked?

We recommend that you should get your skin checked once a year, or more frequently if you notice any potential signs.

Can I perform a mole check at home?

Yes, we recommend that you perform a monthly mole check at home. Doing so helps you get familiar with your skin so you may be able to spot any potential warning signs you may have otherwise missed.

For instructions on how to perform a mole check, please click here.

What should I look out for?

Warning signs that you may need to seek medical advice are:

  • A previous case of severe sunburn

  • Changes to your moles (shapes, size, colour)

  • The appearance of new moles

  • Bleeding moles

Does sunburn cause cancer?

Not all cases of skin cancer are caused by sun exposure, but most are. So, we advise protecting yourself from sunburn and sun exposure particularly on a high UV index day to reduce your risk.

How can I avoid skin cancer?
  • In cases caused by sun exposure, we recommend practicing proper sun safety, which includes:

  • Avoiding direct sun exposure during peak UV hours.

  • Wearing sunscreen

  • Wearing a hat

  • Wearing protective clothing

  • Reducing your sun-exposed areas.

Isn’t a tan healthy?

A tan caused by sun exposure is most definitely not healthy. A tan means that some layers of your skin have been damaged by the sun.

Over time, the more you tan, the more at risk you are of developing skin cancer.

What is melanoma?

Melanoma is the most serious and aggressive form of skin cancer and it may spread to other parts of the body.

Help avoid your risk of getting melanoma by practicing proper sun safety and by doing regular skin checks.

Can skin cancer be treated?

Yes, it can. But it’s most responsive to treatment when caught early. Melanoma is a serious form of cancer and can be fatal.

Why do you use the FotoFinder ATBM?

We use the FotoFinder ATBM for our checks as it scans the entirety of the skin, so no stone is left unturned. We prefer this method to checking individual moles as you may not be aware of a potentially dangerous mole on other parts of your body and therefore not bring it to your doctor’s attention.

The FotoFinnder ATBM also detects skin cancer when it’s in its early stages. The earlier it’s caught, the easier it is to treat.

To learn more about total body mole mapping, please watch this video:

Visiting our Skin Cancer Clinic

We always welcome new patients to our practice, so if you’re interested in coming to see us for a skin check, please call us on 9741 1200 or book an appointment online.

If you’d like to know more about us, our team of doctors and staff or our other services, please view our website.


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